Šola za ravnatelje je del Zavoda RS za šolstvo (zrss.si).

Perspectives on Leadership

A Study on Clustering High Schools According to Multiple Success Variables
Sultan Uçar-Altun and Mualla Aksu

Views of School Improvement Coordinators on Peers and School Observation
Esen Altunay and Kübra Nur Özerten

Making the Case for Enhanced School Leadership Capacity in a Networked Education System
Linda Devlin, Milan Pol, Bohumira Lazarová, Jan Vanhoof, Kristin Vanlommel, Ruud Lelieur, Wouter Schelfout, Kristina Malmberg, Torbjorn Hortlund, Justina Erculj, Mateja Brejc, Tracy Wallis, Rachel Morgan-Guthrie, Eric Verbiest, Manuel Cebrián, and Daniel Cebrián

Ways of Managing Mental Health Programmes for Children and Adolescents Based on the Example of Polish Schools
Božena Freund

How To Be Prepared for the Difficult Conversation
Dag Sørmo and Dan Roger Sträng

Perceptions of School Administrators Related to the Contribution of Their Completed Postgraduate Education to School Management Duties
Yılmaz Tonbul and Emine Çavdar

This issue of Leadership in Education contains a selection of papers
presented at the enirdelm 2019 Conference, held in Ljubljana,
Slovenia, 19–21 September 2019.